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Exploring Europe´s Past, Present and Future

Fünf europäische Länder - ein gemeinsamer Gedanke
Wednesday, 19 May 2021, 10:00 a.m.
at the Elisabeth-Selbert-School in Hamelin
Martina and Bettina meet in room  M 2.11:
Martina: Hi Bettina, today is the opening event for our Erasmus project
Exploring Europe's Past, Present and Future
I am already a bit excited.
Bettina: What is the project about?
Martina: The aims of the project are to enhance the knowledge of all participants about the historical background of the EU, its ideals and achievements  increase the awareness of the EU's general benefits and personal benefits for every citizen
- make participants appreciate that the European Union is special and unique in the world
- make the participants feel as European citizens and proud of being part of this community
- enable participants to defend the European idea and democracy actively against nationalistic and populistic ideas
Bettina: Which countries are participating in the project?
Martina: Italy, Greece, Turkey, Estonia and us for Germany.
Bettina: What is going to happen in the event now?
Martina: First the participating teachers introduce themselves,
then the pupils for each country.
The students present themselves, the respective school and the city.
We start with Italy, followed by Greece, Turkey, Estonia and finally Germany.
Bettina: Let's get started!

Das Interview fungierte lediglich als Einstieg zu der Veranstaltung.
Im Konferenzraum saßen türkische und estnische Lehrkräfte, griechische, italienische und deutsche Schüler*innen, die mittels Filmen, Bildern und Gesprächen deutlich machten, dass der europäische Gedanke ein hervorragendes Bindungselement ist
und viele Menschen der Pandemie zum Trotz dicht beieinander waren.
keine Veranstaltungen vorhanden