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“Early Years” project

The Berufsfachschule Sozialpädagogik (SPÄD19) class sends their Early Years Project to the Duchess of Cambridge – and hope for a reply!

In the last three weeks before the end of January term-break the SPÄD19 class worked hard on their “Early Years” project in their weekly English class. The results are now in the post on the way to London to Prince William’s wife, the Duchess of Cambridge!
The Duchess of Cambridge, wife of Prince William, has chosen to dedicate her charity work to helping children and parents in the early years – from pregnancy to five years. She is a patron of the Royal Foundation, which was founded in 2009 by Prince William and Prince Harry to help support charities including those who work with children and young adults.
The SPÄD19 class watched podcasts from the Duchess, in which she talked about her goals and the reasons why the early years are so important. Then students wrote profiles about themselves, including information on their work placements and their career aspirations. After that, the class discussed various topics such as what makes a happy childhood and what makes a good nursery school teacher.
The class did a fantastic job and can be very proud of their results. We hope to hear from The Duchess soon!
Natalie Evans
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